By working constantly with all producers of raw materials and machinery and investing a million euro in research and development of cutting edge solutions, we were able to obtain new generation equipment to increase the quality of some production phases, such as sanding and painting, and to develop materials with a low environmental impact, such as those with a minimum content of formaldehyde and styrene-free are therefore not harmful to the health of those who use them and those who buy the finished product.


The first step consists of selecting and purchasing raw materials, which is followed by cutting machining and forming of the panels. Also in our factory, we then proceed with the implementation of the bottom and its sanding. At this point the lacquer phase, which may provide a gloss or matt lacquer, consists of sanding and polishing. Finally, our products undergo the quality control and the application of the protective film. One of the most important processes is the painting and to obtain an optimal result you need to choose the right support, the most appropriate treatment for smoothing the cycle and better able to lead to the final product expected.

Quality control

To get a high quality product we have carried out very specific training of our company personnel. Some courses were taught by the technical department at Atlantis, so as to prepare the staff to carefully control the process to production and procurement with the drawings received by the clients. In other cases, however, actual internships have been arranged at Italian and foreign companies, to use advanced technology related to visual inspection and quality and to understand the new trends in the shapes and colours. Lately, for example, the range of colours required for finishing the front doors has increased and includes colour gloss, matte and metallic and soft touch.

Final product

We specialise in various lacquer, gloss, metallic and opaque finishes.
Important contract and just-in-time lots of jobs are processedin various colours.
The finished product is packed, palletised and labelled as per our customer's request.